Israel at Prayer

Praying at the Kotel…

Israel - Small But Outstanding

Israel is one of the smallest countries on earth…but has some of the greatest impactfulness!

Is Israel Safe?

Many people ask, “With all the problems in the Middle East how safe is Israel?” Watch this video to learn the answer…

The Most Important Video About Israel

Jeremy Gimpal explains the history and importance of Israel today…

Can ancient prophecies about Israel be true? Is the Bible true or relevant today?
This video will put those questions to rest!!

Chag Sameach Sukkot!

Click the video below to see our Sukkot Greeting!


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There are many voices today crying out against Israel. With the Boycott, Divest and Sanction Movement running rampant in this world there are not that many voices saying, “Wait! Look at the Real Israel!”.

It is our hope that this will be that voice. Though we be small in these pages it is our desire to, in the coming days, speak some sense into all the craziness circling the subject of Israel.

For our friends please speak up with additional thoughtful, truthful points on behalf of Israel…and please be respectful.

For those who do NOT consider themselves Friends of Israel please take the time to listen with an open mind to another viewpoint…and please be respectful!

We welcome everyone’s respectful input…and reserve the right to stop you if you are not respectful in your approach!

Thanks for stopping by and we truly hope to bring clarity to the too often distorted story of Israel!

Israel a world leader in volunteering, ahead of the US, Switzerland, study finds

By Efrat Forsher, JNS

Israeli President Isaac Herzog was presented on Monday with the results of the annual survey on volunteerism in Israel, which showed that almost half of the population (42.5%) engage in such activities to various degrees.

Pantry Packers in Israel

The study, which included 503 participants, found that Israel is one of the leading countries in volunteering, along with Canada (79%), Britain (63%), Australia (57%), New Zealand (51%) and ahead of Switzerland (39.9%), the Netherlands (39%) and the United States (25%).

It further showed a balance between male volunteers (42.6%) and female ones (42.2%). In terms of age groups, 34% aged 18-34 said they volunteered on a regular basis, as well as 47.9% aged 35-54 and 42% aged 55 and older.

In addition, Israelis with tertiary education and those with higher-than-average incomes reported higher rates of volunteering. Sector-wise, the highest rate of volunteering was reported among the ultra-Orthodox (60%).

Most respondents said they preferred to volunteer in areas of welfare and assisting disadvantaged populations, followed by education, health, environment, religion and social change.

Upon receiving the survey, Herzog said, “Today, perhaps more than ever, it is up to us to boost social involvement and choose to see what unites us and brings us closer, not what divides and separates us.”

The poll was conducted by the National Council for Volunteering and the Hebrew University’s Center for the Study of Civil Society and Philanthropy with the help of the Welfare and Social Affairs Ministry.

Originally published by Israel Hayom.

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