Welcome To Bridge To Israel!

Written by admin

February 8, 2018

There are many voices today crying out against Israel.  With the Boycott, Divest and Sanction Movement running rampant in this world there are not that many voices saying, “Wait! Look at the Real Israel!”. It is our hope that this will be that voice. Though we be small in these pages it is our desire to, in the coming days, speak some sense into all the craziness circling the subject of Israel. For our friends please speak up with additional thoughtful, truthful points on behalf of Israel…and please be respectful. For those who do NOT consider themselves Friends of Israel please take the time to listen with an open mind to another viewpoint…and please be respectful! We welcome everyone respectful input…and reserve the right to stop you if you are not respectful in your approach! Thanks for stopping by and we truly hope to bring clarity to the too often distorted story of Israel!

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1 Comment

  1. Mr WordPress

    Glad to see someone standing up for Israel.